Feature: Connector I want to publish to another medium As a publisher I must be able to manage the connector configuration Scenario: See the connectors Given I am authenticated as "admin" in firewall "default" And I am on "/admin/connector/config/" Then I should see "Options" And I should see "Name" And I should see "Connector" And I should see "Actions" Scenario: Add a new connector Given I am authenticated as "admin" in firewall "default" And I am on "/admin/connector/config/" And I follow "New website configuration" Then I should see "New website configuration" And I fill in "integrated_channel_config[name]" with "demo" And I check "integrated_channel_config[channels][]" And I press "form.actions.create" Then I should see "The config demo is saved" Scenario: Delete a connector Given I am authenticated as "admin" in firewall "default" And I am on "/admin/connector/config/" Then I should see "demo" When I click the first icon "glyphicon-remove-circle" Then I should see "You are about to delete the configuration \"demo\", click the delete button below to confirm the action." And I press "form.actions.delete" Then I should see "The config demo is removed"